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A 130ª Feira de Cantón celebrarase en liña e fóra de liña do 15 ao 19 de outubro.

A nosa empresa participará na exposición en liña e fóra de liña.
O noso número de posto en liña é GI03
O noso número de posto fóra de liña é 10.3E46


The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct1
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct2
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct3
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct4
The 130th Canton Fair will be held online and offline on 15th-19th Oct5

Hora de publicación: 16-Oct-2021